For the next 2.5 years, the project will facilitate co-creation amongst industry representatives, researchers, authorities and policy makers, end-users, civil society representatives and citizens, with the final goal to develop innovative ideas for KETs-based innovation.
Through our website and our social media channels, you will be able to follow and interact with us on our activities.
You will hear about
- Our six test cases across Europe, coordinated by SocKETs partners with their local networks, and focusing on the application of key enabling technologies toward a diversity of innovation and societal challenges
- Our upcoming co-creation activities, during which we will experiment different forms and ways of interaction between stakeholders and citizens to explore priorities, expectations, concerns on R&I in the fields of our case studies. We will also develop and co-create product, design suggestions and shape social-innovation strategies responsive to societal needs and challenges.
- Good practices of co-creation initiatives that have been developed within other projects in Europe
- Our co-creation toolbox with good practices and methods for co-creation, to be developed soon!
- Our living exhibition on technologies developed in dialogue with citizens and society will have an interactive online version.