Home E SocKETs Labs E Estonian SocKETs Lab

Estonian SocKETs LAB

circular economy

– Lab Description

Based on a rigorous analysis of the Estonian innovation landscape, AHHAA will develop a SocKETs Lab focused on circular economy, involving various stakeholders from this field.

The Estonian lab will focus on the country’s efforts in moving from a linear economy to a circular economy business model in various spheres, including energy production, construction, packaging and much more.

The lab will include a variety of stakeholders, including policy makers, NGOs, companies and citizens.

The first activity planned is the 1st Design Workshop scheduled to take place in early December, followed by online activities at the end end of 2021 and early 2022. The lab will meet twice more after the first workshop, the schedule is yet to be confirmed.

    – Contact

    Helin Haga, Email
    AHHAA Science Centre


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