SocKETs Labs
SocKETs is conducting six case studies across Europe, called SocKETs Labs, and focusing on the application of key enabling technologies toward a diversity of innovation and societal challenges:
- Circular economy by design processes for the re-use and recycling of materials, toward sustainable consumption and production
- Electronic health applications
- Industrial automation systems, toward decent work and better industry, innovation and infrastructures
We will run a series of co-creation activities, experimenting several forms and ways of interaction between stakeholders and citizens to explore priorities, expectations, and concerns on research and innovation in the fields of the SocKETs Labs. Together, industries and citizens will develop and co-create product, design suggestions and shape social-innovation strategies, responsive to societal needs and challenges.
Danish Technological Institute – eHealth
DTI will work with stakeholders and citizens to understand their interest, needs, wishes on actual and potential applications in the e-health field, with a focus on wearables devices combining printed electronic, internet of things and artificial intelligence solutions.
Center for the Promotion of Science – eHealth
Together with CPN, Tecnalia Serbia Ltd. will focus on mutual dialogue with different stakeholders that could contribute to improving healthcare and quality of life in a variety of different topics, spanning from neurorehabilitation and rehabilitation in general, biomedical instrumentation and assistive devices, to biomaterials and electrochemical sensors.
Centre for Research and Analysis – eHealth
CRA SocKETs Lab will launch a co-design experiment on KETs-based applications in diseases monitoring, innovative devices and practices, ICT applications and platforms that are user-friendly, non-invasive and can be used in a non-hospital environment.
AHHAA Science Centre – Circular Economy
Based on a rigorous analysis of the Estonian innovation landscape, AHHAA will develop a SocKETs Lab focused on circular economy, involving various stakeholders from this field.
Italian Association for Industrial Research – Circular Economy
The Italian SocKETs Lab will develop dialogue with stakeholders to co-create visions, strategies and applications on the use of advanced technologies to promote circular economy in the building and construction sectors as well as in urban planning and regeneration.
Tecnalia Research & Innovation – Automation system
The SocKETs Lab, developed by Tecnalia in the Basque Country, will create a community of practice industry representatives, citizens and stakeholders to discuss, think and prototype solutions related to potential transformation of the work due to recent developments in Artificial Intelligence.
– Latest updates
E-health solutions in Bulgaria – Our SocKETs lab will be an actor in the future of the field
The final workshop held by the Bulgarian SocKETs lab has been an occasion to have a look back on the work accomplished during the past two activities, and build on these achievements to conclude the lab’s efforts and envision the next steps.CRA, our SocKETs lab based...
E-health solutions in Serbia – Finding innovative ways to reach society through social media
During their previous activities, the SocKETs Serbian lab has been dedicated to fostering a mutual dialogue between different actors in the eHealth Serbian landscape, in order to improve healthcare and quality of life in different domains. Their ultimate workshop was...
Circular economy in the building and construction sector in Italy – Meeting citizen’s expectations
During their previous activities, the SocKETs Italian lab has been dedicated to creating two scenarios in which innovation could support the transition towards a circular economy of the building and construction sector. For their final workshop, they wanted to reach...
Industrial automation solutions in Spain – How AI will shape the future of work in industry.
The past two workshops held by our Spanish SocKETs labs have been focused on identifying the main challenges for the development of Artificial Intelligence technology and automation systems within the industry. For their final activity, they gathered several actors of...
E-health solutions in Denmark – Reaching society at its heart
Throughout the SocKETs experimentation in Denmark, our lab hosted by DTI initiated a conversation with different actors in the field of healthcare and technology in order to identify and find solutions to the different challenges encountered in the development of...
Circular economy solutions in Estonia – How to share the labs’ outputs through the SocKETs exhibition
The Estonian SocKETs lab, hosted by AHHAA, is exploring society’s involvement in the development of circular economy processes in the country. After identifying the most relevant challenges for the field, and investigating a practical case during their previous...
Co-creating new technologies with citizens is under way
SocKETs is conducting six case studies across Europe, called SocKETs Labs, and focusing on the application of key enabling technologies towards a diversity of innovation and societal challenges in the sectors of construction, e-health and automation...
Different scenarios and expectations for the future of the Italian construction sector
The Italian SocKETs lab is taking a particular look on the circular economy landscape and how the use of advanced technology could transform the building and construction sectors as well as urban planning and regeneration.During their first workshop, participants to...
Cooperation to improve eHealth technology in Serbia
Actions to be taken to enhance the development of eHealth technology in Bulgaria
Last February, several Bulgarian actors in the field of e-health gathered at CRA partner Sofia Tech Park premises, to take part in the second workshop of our SocKETs labs.What are the current barriers that can block the development of eHealth technology and...