Final chapter for SocKETs! September 2023 is the last month of the project and there are still opportunities to meet with us. Find out more below and come join us.

Nanoinnovation 2023 – Rome, Italy 18-22 September 2023

Our Andrea Porcari from AIRI will represent SocKETs at Nannoinnovation 2023. He will chair a session which will showcase examples of state-of-the-art technological innovations, and co-creation, networking and funding initiatives aiming to promote cooperation and synergy amongst research, industry, policy makers and civil society actors to promote more competitive and sustainable approaches.

Session title: Advanced materials and technologies for sustainable construction   

When? Thursday 21st September 2023, 16:00-17:30 CEST 

Open Living Lab Days 2023 – Barcelona, Spain  21-22 September 2023

SocKETs will be represented at the Open Living Labs Days 2023 by Izaskun Jimenez Iturriza from Tecnalia. SocKETs will present a short paper titled Societal engagement in tech innovation:


The SocKETs project has used social living labs as a methodology for engaging tech representatives, citizens and other stakeholders into co-creation, experimental and participatory process around three KETs-based innovation ecosystems (circular economy, eHealth and industrial automation). The outcomes of the SocKETs Labs have been used to create an online guide on engaging citizens and societal actors in tech development and an online exhibition that explores the intricated relation between society and technology.

A poster will also be displayed. Search for the title “How to include citizens and societal actors in shaping new technologies?” to talk to Izaskun.