European Network of Science Centres and Museums

Ecsite, the European Network for Science Centres & Museums counts 322 member institutions located in 30 different countries. It facilitates co-operation among science centres and museums – establishing standards, sharing expertise, disseminating best practice, and developing training programmes. Ecsite members’ convening power draws more than 40 million citizens each year to science-related debates, exhibitions, workshops, events or platforms. 

Ecsite is involved in the communication, dissemination and outreach activities. Under the coordination of AIRI, it will develop a portfolio of resources to facilitate the communication of SocKETs and ensure a recognisable brand of the project. 

Ecsite, along with other partners, will create a living exhibition, and its online equivalent to disseminate the outcomes of the co-creation process and to reflect the reactions of citizens and stakeholders who took part in it. 

Ecsite will also be involved in designing the handbook for citizen engagement in industry, in developing the toolbox and in recruiting experts from its network to participate in SocKETs’ seminar. 

Finally, Ecsite will coordinate the linked third parties contributions. 

Lucie Steigleder, Email 

Alix Thuillier, Email
