The SocKETs project develops six case studies – called SocKETs Labs – to exploit the potential of co-creation in enhancing the innovation process and aligning innovation to societal needs, with a specific focus on Key Enabling Technologies (KETs). This blog issue is focused on the Danish lab led by the Danish Technological Institute. It deals with KETs- based technologies within eHealth monitoring and diagnosis solutions, towards good health of all.

One of the greatest challenges with eHealth that has been revealed by the report on the Danish innovation ecosystem is not whether the technologies will be capable enough to be useful, but rather ensuring their adoption in daily practice both with healthcare professionals and citizens. For them to be used, it was clear from the interviews that several other values and principles should be considered such as privacy and data protection, data ownership, informed consent, trust, inequality, reliability, etc. Especially, trust between the stakeholders involved must be formed from the beginning of the activity.
This eHealth monitoring and diagnosis solutions SocKET Lab will be initiated in Denmark, a country with one of the most advanced uses of eHealth as well as a highly developed innovation healthcare ecosystem. The awareness and the cultural approach toward eHealth are high, which is a huge advantage for new eHealth devices. However, both the Danish citizens’ and healthcare professionals’ confidence in actors outside of the Danish healthcare system is low. Another issue is the inequality between education background and eHealth, which results in some of the uneducated citizens getting lost in the development of new eHealth devices. These issues will be considered in the design of the SocKET Lab, so likely barriers that might occur in the communication will be beneficial for the co-creation process.
Read the report on the Danish innovation ecosystem.
Read the report on the 6 SocKETs Labs innovation ecosystems.