co-creation tools
Existing tools and methodologies that caught our attention, regularly updated with our latest finds
Co-creation recommendations
inspiring practices – by gonano project
Video portraits to discover people behind five noteworthy co-creation projects sharing what recommendations may be derived from it for organising co-creation
RRI toolkit
tool – by rri tools
A research engine to find RRI resources: tools, inspiring practices, projects and library elements
Toolkit for researchers and engineers
toolkit – by gonano project
A six-step approach to help researchers and engineers define their goal, identify the relevant stakeholders and design, implement and reflect on the co-creation process
Co-creation navigator
toolkit – by waag
An online navigator guiding stakeholders through the different stages of co-creation, from preparation to execution, and directs users to tools and methods that help them in each stage.. It helps people who wish to work with a diverse group of citizens, users and/or stakeholders to develop new products, experiences and/or services.
Action Catalogue for inclusive research
tool – by engage2020 project
An online decision support tool to enable researchers, policy-makers and others to find the method best suited for conducting inclusive research
Self-Reflection tool on RRI
tool – by rri tools
A self-reflection tool to develop and enrich research and innovation practices
Responsive Nanotechnologies R&I
training materials – by gonano project
Training materials for researchers and engineers to support the realization of a responsive nanotechnologies research and innovation

Co-Creation Toolkit for managers, innovators or researchers
toolkit – by living innovation
A guidance on the design, development and implementation of effective co-creation in industry-citizen collaboration settings
Co-construction workshop guidelines
tool – by resagora project
A step by step instructions tool on how to do build a RRI co-construction workshop encouraging reflective processes to help stakeholders make research and innovation more responsible and sustainable.
Social Readiness Thinking Tool
tool – by newhorrizon
Practical guidance for researchers who wish to mature the societal readiness of their work
Co-creation for society in innovation and science
toolkit – by siscode project
The SISCODE toolkit is a selection of co-creation tools to be used in every stage of the co-creation journey: Analyse the Context, Reframe the Problem, Envision Alternatives, Prototype and Experiment.
Tools for the co-creation of innovations for the city
toolkit – by UNaLab project
The UNaLab Toolkit collects tools used for the co-creation and experimentation of innovative solutions in a real-life urban environment together with the engagement of citizens and all relevant stakeholder groups in a city.