SocKETs is organising an experts seminar to collect best practices of approaches, methods, tools and resources for industry to co-creatively engage with citizens on KETs.

Building on the work of several recent EU societal engagement projects, SocKETs aims to gather best practices for societal engagement and test these with stakeholders from industry and business. After the testing face, a set of tested and approved tools for engagement will be made freely available on an online platform.
To start these later phases well-prepared, we would like to explore experiences of a wide range of experts from different fields and projects with dialogue and co-creation for citizen engagement. What are the best practices each field of expertise? What are the goals of societal engagement? What are suitable means to get there? And what makes a process feasible in an industry context?
During the expert seminar of 3 hours we will draw on the experiences of participants in order to gather best practices and create criteria of success that give expression to a plurality of voices, from the technical innovation reality to the citizen’s needs and hopes for the future.
We will present the outcomes of these discussions shortly, but we will be commenting the event live on our Twitter account: @socKETs_EU